Invitational History
2023 Ohio ProStart Invitational!
Students will compete in Culinary and Management competitions for scholarships, prizes and a trip to the National ProStart Invitational.
Date: March 14, 2023
Location: The Wigwam Event Center, Pickerington, OH

History of the Ohio ProStart® Invitational
The first Ohio ProStart® Invitational competition was held in 2003. The Invitational has evolved over the years and the rules are reviewed annually to keep current with ever-changing industry dynamics for excellence.
The Invitational is divided into two competitions: culinary skills/techniques, and restaurant management. The culinary competition requires student teams to prepare a three-course meal in 60 minutes, using only butane burners with no access to running water or electricity. The management competition requires students to develop a business proposal for an original restaurant concept and present to a panel of industry experts.
Listed below are winners from previous years.
2017 - Polaris Career Center
2016 - Polaris Career Center
2015 - Polaris Career Center
2014 - Polaris Career Center
2013 - Polaris Career Center
2012- Polaris Career Center
2011 - Polaris Career Center
2010 - Polaris Career Center
2009 - Lorain Country JVS
2008 - Lorain Country JVS
2007 - Lorain County JVS
2006 - Lorain Country JVS
2005 - Lorain Country JVS
2004 - Lorain County JVS
2003 - Lorain Country JVS
Restaurant Management
2017 - Penta Career Center
2016 - Penta Career Center
2015 - Cuyahoga Valley Career Center
2014 - Polaris Career Cenrer
2013 - C-Tec
2012- Polaris Career Center
2011 - Tolles Career & Technical Center
2010 - Lorain County JVS
2009 - Lorain Country JVS
2008 - Polaris Career Center
2007 - Lorain County JVS
2006 - Lorain Country JVS
2005 - Lorain Country JVS
2004 - Lorain County JVS
2003 - Lorain Country JVS